The Foreign Section Trust

Help preserve Aoyama Cemetery's foreign section.

The Foreign Section Trust celebrates the international community's role in Japan's history and helps preserve a record of individuals' activities and achievements.

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September 20, 2005

Kate Wildman Nakai on Zoshigaya cemetery

Tomb in Zoshigaya Cemetery

Moss and ivy covered tomb at Zoshigaya cemetery, Toshima-ku, Tokyo

Kate Wildman Nakai tells Jonathan Wilder about some of the graves in Zoshigaya cemetery. They make brief stops at the graves of the famous, like Lafcadio Hearn, the infamous, Tojo, and the not so famous that are under threat of removal.

To download the "podcast" interview and see the accompanying notes, go to .

Posted by Jonathan at September 20, 2005 12:53 PM

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